Guitar Neck: This piece was created with basic shapes and the pen tool. I used several layers of texture and different blending modes to make the 'wood' and inlays on the guitar neck look more realistic. I used gradients on the frets to give it a 'metal' look and used layer styles to create shadows and highlights to give the piece depth. I also used patterns for the tiny detail on the strings.

Horror Movie Poster: I took a picture of my hand and edited it in photoshop. I used the selection tool and masked the hand to extract it from the background. I used feathering and decontamination to make the mask more accurate and it give it a ‘clean’ look. I drew the torch in Illustrator and edited the rest of the composition in Photoshop. I used white text to first draw your eye to the title then directing up toward the hand then out toward the creepy footprints in the background.

Zombie Book Cover: The Young dead is a zombie book cover. I used a mask to extract my subject from the background then I used levels and and layers of texture to give it that grungy feel. I also created highlights to make the text and the character stand out from the background.

Buddy Adventure: Below is an adventure novel composition. I took a photo of 3 main characters then extracted the kids from the background using masks. I then used color/contrast and levels to make the photo brighter, and more prominent. I also used different lighting techniques, blending modes and the brush tool.

Atrisco Auto Sales: This is a Logo I created for a local business. I used gradients to act as a 'sun' to draw your eye to the center of the composition, behind the mountains.

Adobe Blocks: This logo created with text and adding several layers of line shapes to connect the text. I then added rock texture and adjusted the blending modes. Then I added the drop shadows to create contrast between the logo and the background.

Bio Mech: This is a bio-mechanical piece was hand drawn with graphite then colored in Photoshop using the paint bucket.

Deceitful Logo: Below is a logo for the metal band 'Deceitful'. It was hand drawn then edited in Photoshop. I used a lot texture and use of light and dark to create contrast.